Academic Affairs
The purpose of the Office of Academic Affairs is to provide leadership for the delivery
and support of the College's instructional program, selected student support and administrative
services, and its efforts to support economic development and recovery in Southeast
The Office of Academic Affairs operates under, and has responsibility for ensuring
division-wide compliance with, the premise that all individuals should be:
Treated with dignity and respect;
Afforded equal opportunity to acquire a complete educational experience;
Given an opportunity to discover and develop their special aptitudes and insights;
- Provided an opportunity to equip themselves with the skills necessary to lead a fulfilling life and to act as a responsible citizen in a world characterized by change.
Dr. Pamela A Millsap
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Mary Lou Camarena
Senior Secretary
Academic Organization and Programs
The Office of Academic Affairs provides leadership to the College's instructional program including certificate and degree programs in technical education, courses intended for transfer, college preparatory courses, continuing education, and workforce development.
The Office ensures compliance with and participation in state initiatives regarding core and field-of-study curricula, common course numbering, and articulation.
Other academic services and initiatives for which the Office of Academic Affairs has responsibility include distance learning, a comprehensive inmate education program, and program accreditation by external organizations and agencies.
The Office is responsible for the employment and evaluation of all faculty and for formulating policies and procedures for faculty dealing with classroom management, faculty-student relations, and professional conduct.
Administrative Services
The Office of Academic Affairs is responsible for providing selected administrative services to the campus. Administrative support currently includes computer, information, and telecommunications services for faculty, staff, and students; institutional research and reporting; planning, evaluation, and institutional effectiveness; and management of externally-funded programs and services.
The Office serves as the institutional liaison with the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and is responsible for maintaining the College's accreditation by that organization.
Student Support and Economic Development Programs and Services
The Office of Academic Affairs provides instructional support, guidance, and economic development services to the campus and the community.
Instructional support to students and the public is provided by the Learning Center and Library Services.
Guidance and other student support services are provided to current or prospective students and include career planning and job placement; services to students who are members of special populations or have special needs; Tech-Prep course and program articulation; testing and assessment; and fine arts activities. The Small Business Development Center offers economic development assistance to the community by providing counseling, training, and technical assistance to prospective or current owners and managers of small businesses.